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Joint Finals a success. USACI numbers down due to very remote (from USACI) location but better than expected. Results posted on web site.
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results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 23, 2020 7:37 pm by big bass joel

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results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2020 7:32 pm by big bass joel

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results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Icon_minitimeMon Jul 29, 2019 2:41 pm by svillarrial

results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Icon_minitimeFri Sep 22, 2017 11:11 pm by 80INCHES

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results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Icon_minitimeThu Jun 16, 2016 7:03 pm by chrisfish

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results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Icon_minitimeWed Feb 24, 2016 12:53 am by supersquirt

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results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Icon_minitimeSat Sep 26, 2015 5:46 am by TAMU

results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2015 4:24 pm by Nice

results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2015 12:14 pm by Pro_Mom

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results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_lcapresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Voting_barresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_rcap 
results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_lcapresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Voting_barresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_rcap 
results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_lcapresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Voting_barresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_rcap 
results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_lcapresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Voting_barresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_rcap 
results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_lcapresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Voting_barresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_rcap 
results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_lcapresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Voting_barresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_rcap 
results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_lcapresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Voting_barresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_rcap 
results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_lcapresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Voting_barresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_rcap 
results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_lcapresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Voting_barresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_rcap 
results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_lcapresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Voting_barresults  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Vote_rcap 
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 any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?

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george szawan
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results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Empty
PostSubject: any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?    results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Icon_minitimeSun Sep 19, 2010 11:03 pm

the cups we had at 02 finals would be amazing. but im not sure since now days usaci does thier own thing with the trophies.. they just all look the same anymore. my scrapin the coast cup looks so much more like "something" than my championship 07 trophie..
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george szawan
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results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?    results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 5:28 am

the taller the better
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results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?    results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 6:21 am

well really taller the better really isn't the thing. i would rather have a 12in 4ft cup than have an 8ft trophy that i have to break down to get in my car lmao
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I own this joint!

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results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?    results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 9:31 am

results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  07217373
I bet they look like this!
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results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?    results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 9:42 am

I bet your right too. Although the STC cups were very nice and a whole lot more portable.

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I own this joint!

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results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?    results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 8:38 pm

Our old cups were nice id go for Cups AGAIN
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I own this joint!
I own this joint!

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results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?    results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 9:01 pm

supadave wrote:
well really taller the better really isn't the thing. i would rather have a 12in 4ft cup than have an 8ft trophy that i have to break down to get in my car lmao
Lol! I got that 8" er to fit in the port for the ride home! With a 6"er and the 4"er!
but it was a pain in theass to put all 3 back togather
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results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?    results  https - usaci forumotion com - any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?  Icon_minitime

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any thoughts at the usaci office on finals trophies?
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