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Joint Finals a success. USACI numbers down due to very remote (from USACI) location but better than expected. Results posted on web site.
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 usaci in NY August 3

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Mr. Singh the Idiot
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Beast From Da East/DH Mag
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https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Empty
PostSubject: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 12, 2008 2:57 am

August 3
790 utica av brooklyn NY 11203

This one is going to be big
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Beast From Da East/DH Mag
Beast From Da East/DH Mag

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https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 12, 2008 6:10 pm

I guess someone erased what I said. but I was the one to convince Will to do it. Usaci also needs the exposure here. I wait for ralph to say thanks
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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 12, 2008 7:08 pm

I'm pretty shure the whole USACI organization for the northeast is thankfull Vic. Especially us comptetitors.
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Thats a Lot of Posts!
Thats a Lot of Posts!

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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 13, 2008 1:12 am

Beast From Da East/DH Mag wrote:
I guess someone erased what I said. but I was the one to convince Will to do it. Usaci also needs the exposure here. I wait for ralph to say thanks

Vick not to take anything away from you but Proline wasn't going to do the USACI show. The guy from Proline that was at Englishtown was telling them at the shop over a $1,000 to do the show. Richie Rich made it happen this week. Call them and ask
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Beast From Da East/DH Mag
Beast From Da East/DH Mag

Number of posts : 46
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https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 13, 2008 1:53 am

TECH114 wrote:
Beast From Da East/DH Mag wrote:
I guess someone erased what I said. but I was the one to convince Will to do it. Usaci also needs the exposure here. I wait for ralph to say thanks

Vick not to take anything away from you but Proline wasn't going to do the USACI show. The guy from Proline that was at Englishtown was telling them at the shop over a $1,000 to do the show. Richie Rich made it happen this week. Call them and ask

Richie Rich just got into Proline Kumar. He might of made the call to finalize the deal and that's it. No one (workers)at Proline had anything to do with that decision. Will "the owner", the guys who pays everyone there asked me should he do it and I responded by telling him that since he got the block locked down to do it because it can drive in a different field of people to the business and Greg his right hand person agreed and told him that if he is going to do something big, do it big. I don't know about any prices in this whole thing but I told Will that if they charge you a 1,000 then he is a fool to pay it because in reality Proline don't need Usaci but Usaci need Proline to get their feet wet into NYC where I don't see any sanctioned being thrown. Usaci may be a big deal outside of NYC but here they are small potatos or not even on the map. Im not saying this to offend anyone in Usaci but let's keep it real and if Im wrong then can someone prove it and I'll apologize publicly
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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 13, 2008 8:42 pm

Vic, USACi has done shows in Queens before. Speedworld use to have a big show at Shea Stadium. There were also shows at Green Acres (just outside of Queens).
USACi fell off when the former promoter ran off.
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Beast From Da East/DH Mag
Beast From Da East/DH Mag

Number of posts : 46
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https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 13, 2008 9:43 pm

Nice wrote:
Vic, USACi has done shows in Queens before. Speedworld use to have a big show at Shea Stadium. There were also shows at Green Acres (just outside of Queens).
USACi fell off when the former promoter ran off.
I know. Use to is the operative word. It's like a saying" what have you done for me lately.
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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 13, 2008 10:31 pm

Have a safe trip.
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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 14, 2008 7:20 pm

Just saw commercials on espn for this show.
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https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Empty
PostSubject: Proline show on Aug 3rd   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 14, 2008 8:24 pm

Beast From Da East/DH Mag wrote:
TECH114 wrote:
Beast From Da East/DH Mag wrote:
I guess someone erased what I said. but I was the one to convince Will to do it. Usaci also needs the exposure here. I wait for ralph to say thanks

Vick not to take anything away from you but Proline wasn't going to do the USACI show. The guy from Proline that was at Englishtown was telling them at the shop over a $1,000 to do the show. Richie Rich made it happen this week. Call them and ask

Richie Rich just got into Proline Kumar. He might of made the call to finalize the deal and that's it. No one (workers)at Proline had anything to do with that decision. Will "the owner", the guys who pays everyone there asked me should he do it and I responded by telling him that since he got the block locked down to do it because it can drive in a different field of people to the business and Greg his right hand person agreed and told him that if he is going to do something big, do it big. I don't know about any prices in this whole thing but I told Will that if they charge you a 1,000 then he is a fool to pay it because in reality Proline don't need Usaci but Usaci need Proline to get their feet wet into NYC where I don't see any sanctioned being thrown. Usaci may be a big deal outside of NYC but here they are small potatos or not even on the map. Im not saying this to offend anyone in Usaci but let's keep it real and if Im wrong then can someone prove it and I'll apologize publicly

In reference to the Proline show on Aug 3rd:
1 - There is no official show for USAC yet.
2 - The price of $1000 was never discussed nor do we charge that much.
3 - Its not a matter of USAC needing Proline or Proline needing USAC. Its for people to get together and have some fun.
4 - It is posted on the local website because I told the gentlemen at Proline that I would post the show for him. (whether or not USAC does the soundoff).
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Thats a Lot of Posts!
Thats a Lot of Posts!

Number of posts : 4748
Age : 50
Location : Town of DBs
Registration date : 2007-06-24

https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 14, 2008 8:39 pm

usacine wrote:
Beast From Da East/DH Mag wrote:
TECH114 wrote:
Beast From Da East/DH Mag wrote:
I guess someone erased what I said. but I was the one to convince Will to do it. Usaci also needs the exposure here. I wait for ralph to say thanks

Vick not to take anything away from you but Proline wasn't going to do the USACI show. The guy from Proline that was at Englishtown was telling them at the shop over a $1,000 to do the show. Richie Rich made it happen this week. Call them and ask

Richie Rich just got into Proline Kumar. He might of made the call to finalize the deal and that's it. No one (workers)at Proline had anything to do with that decision. Will "the owner", the guys who pays everyone there asked me should he do it and I responded by telling him that since he got the block locked down to do it because it can drive in a different field of people to the business and Greg his right hand person agreed and told him that if he is going to do something big, do it big. I don't know about any prices in this whole thing but I told Will that if they charge you a 1,000 then he is a fool to pay it because in reality Proline don't need Usaci but Usaci need Proline to get their feet wet into NYC where I don't see any sanctioned being thrown. Usaci may be a big deal outside of NYC but here they are small potatos or not even on the map. Im not saying this to offend anyone in Usaci but let's keep it real and if Im wrong then can someone prove it and I'll apologize publicly

In reference to the Proline show on Aug 3rd:
1 - There is no official show for USAC yet.
2 - The price of $1000 was never discussed nor do we charge that much.
3 - Its not a matter of USAC needing Proline or Proline needing USAC. Its for people to get together and have some fun.
4 - It is posted on the local website because I told the gentlemen at Proline that I would post the show for him. (whether or not USAC does the soundoff).

Well said. Let us know if it is a USACI show?
The price of $1,000 exactly, I know usaci don't charge that much. That is what the gentleman from englishtown went back and told Proline. Richie Rich came by and said they were not going to do it with usaci that it was too much. I told them you don't charge that much and give him your number to call.

Anyway, let us know if it is usaci or not?
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Advanced Contributor
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Number of posts : 2042
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https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 14, 2008 10:52 pm

TECH114 wrote:
usacine wrote:
Beast From Da East/DH Mag wrote:
TECH114 wrote:
Beast From Da East/DH Mag wrote:
I guess someone erased what I said. but I was the one to convince Will to do it. Usaci also needs the exposure here. I wait for ralph to say thanks

Vick not to take anything away from you but Proline wasn't going to do the USACI show. The guy from Proline that was at Englishtown was telling them at the shop over a $1,000 to do the show. Richie Rich made it happen this week. Call them and ask

Richie Rich just got into Proline Kumar. He might of made the call to finalize the deal and that's it. No one (workers)at Proline had anything to do with that decision. Will "the owner", the guys who pays everyone there asked me should he do it and I responded by telling him that since he got the block locked down to do it because it can drive in a different field of people to the business and Greg his right hand person agreed and told him that if he is going to do something big, do it big. I don't know about any prices in this whole thing but I told Will that if they charge you a 1,000 then he is a fool to pay it because in reality Proline don't need Usaci but Usaci need Proline to get their feet wet into NYC where I don't see any sanctioned being thrown. Usaci may be a big deal outside of NYC but here they are small potatos or not even on the map. Im not saying this to offend anyone in Usaci but let's keep it real and if Im wrong then can someone prove it and I'll apologize publicly

In reference to the Proline show on Aug 3rd:
1 - There is no official show for USAC yet.
2 - The price of $1000 was never discussed nor do we charge that much.
3 - Its not a matter of USAC needing Proline or Proline needing USAC. Its for people to get together and have some fun.
4 - It is posted on the local website because I told the gentlemen at Proline that I would post the show for him. (whether or not USAC does the soundoff).

Well said. Let us know if it is a USACI show?
The price of $1,000 exactly, I know usaci don't charge that much. That is what the gentleman from englishtown went back and told Proline. Richie Rich came by and said they were not going to do it with usaci that it was too much. I told them you don't charge that much and give him your number to call.

Anyway, let us know if it is usaci or not?

What do you mean let us know? You were the only idiot who blasted that it was a USACi show like you're some kind of official. Just like you to want to be bigger then you are.
Fall back and wait like everyone else *********

watch the accusatiions
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Thats a Lot of Posts!
Thats a Lot of Posts!

Number of posts : 4748
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Location : Town of DBs
Registration date : 2007-06-24

https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 14, 2008 11:04 pm

Ignorance lack of knowledge, willful lack of desire to improve. They are dumb and can't help themselves and always offensive.

The show was originally posted on the website
I will be a USACI judge soon.
U dig
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https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 14, 2008 11:19 pm

I can't believe how stupid you are...
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Novice Contributor
Novice Contributor

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https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 14, 2008 11:21 pm

TECH114 wrote:
usacine wrote:
Beast From Da East/DH Mag wrote:
TECH114 wrote:
Beast From Da East/DH Mag wrote:
I guess someone erased what I said. but I was the one to convince Will to do it. Usaci also needs the exposure here. I wait for ralph to say thanks

Vick not to take anything away from you but Proline wasn't going to do the USACI show. The guy from Proline that was at Englishtown was telling them at the shop over a $1,000 to do the show. Richie Rich made it happen this week. Call them and ask

Richie Rich just got into Proline Kumar. He might of made the call to finalize the deal and that's it. No one (workers)at Proline had anything to do with that decision. Will "the owner", the guys who pays everyone there asked me should he do it and I responded by telling him that since he got the block locked down to do it because it can drive in a different field of people to the business and Greg his right hand person agreed and told him that if he is going to do something big, do it big. I don't know about any prices in this whole thing but I told Will that if they charge you a 1,000 then he is a fool to pay it because in reality Proline don't need Usaci but Usaci need Proline to get their feet wet into NYC where I don't see any sanctioned being thrown. Usaci may be a big deal outside of NYC but here they are small potatos or not even on the map. Im not saying this to offend anyone in Usaci but let's keep it real and if Im wrong then can someone prove it and I'll apologize publicly

In reference to the Proline show on Aug 3rd:
1 - There is no official show for USAC yet.
2 - The price of $1000 was never discussed nor do we charge that much.
3 - Its not a matter of USAC needing Proline or Proline needing USAC. Its for people to get together and have some fun.
4 - It is posted on the local website because I told the gentlemen at Proline that I would post the show for him. (whether or not USAC does the soundoff).

Well said. Let us know if it is a USACI show?
The price of $1,000 exactly, I know usaci don't charge that much. That is what the gentleman from englishtown went back and told Proline. Richie Rich came by and said they were not going to do it with usaci that it was too much. I told them you don't charge that much and give him your number to call.

Anyway, let us know if it is usaci or not?

What do you mean let us know? You were the only *** who blasted that it was a USACi show like you're some kind of official. Just like you to want to be bigger then you are.

don't worry fat boy when you grow up you will be like us INDIANS one day... smart, intelligent and rich...
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Novice Contributor
Novice Contributor

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https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 14, 2008 11:47 pm

Nice wrote:
TECH114 wrote:
usacine wrote:
Beast From Da East/DH Mag wrote:
TECH114 wrote:
Beast From Da East/DH Mag wrote:
I guess someone erased what I said. but I was the one to convince Will to do it. Usaci also needs the exposure here. I wait for ralph to say thanks

Vick not to take anything away from you but Proline wasn't going to do the USACI show. The guy from Proline that was at Englishtown was telling them at the shop over a $1,000 to do the show. Richie Rich made it happen this week. Call them and ask

Richie Rich just got into Proline Kumar. He might of made the call to finalize the deal and that's it. No one (workers)at Proline had anything to do with that decision. Will "the owner", the guys who pays everyone there asked me should he do it and I responded by telling him that since he got the block locked down to do it because it can drive in a different field of people to the business and Greg his right hand person agreed and told him that if he is going to do something big, do it big. I don't know about any prices in this whole thing but I told Will that if they charge you a 1,000 then he is a fool to pay it because in reality Proline don't need Usaci but Usaci need Proline to get their feet wet into NYC where I don't see any sanctioned being thrown. Usaci may be a big deal outside of NYC but here they are small potatos or not even on the map. Im not saying this to offend anyone in Usaci but let's keep it real and if Im wrong then can someone prove it and I'll apologize publicly

In reference to the Proline show on Aug 3rd:
1 - There is no official show for USAC yet.
2 - The price of $1000 was never discussed nor do we charge that much.
3 - Its not a matter of USAC needing Proline or Proline needing USAC. Its for people to get together and have some fun.
4 - It is posted on the local website because I told the gentlemen at Proline that I would post the show for him. (whether or not USAC does the soundoff).

Well said. Let us know if it is a USACI show?
The price of $1,000 exactly, I know usaci don't charge that much. That is what the gentleman from englishtown went back and told Proline. Richie Rich came by and said they were not going to do it with usaci that it was too much. I told them you don't charge that much and give him your number to call.

Anyway, let us know if it is usaci or not?

What do you mean let us know? You were the only idiot who blasted that it was a USACi show like you're some kind of official. Just like you to want to be bigger then you are.
Fall back and wait like everyone else cheater.

Information was posted wrong on the Local USAC website.I had that corrected today.

As far as cheating is concerned I spent over 45 min inspecting tech114's vehicle, it was video taped and there was a very experienced competitor with me who has no ties to tech114.
The vehicle was checked top to bottom, inside and out.
I do know now what he does when he competes and it is perfectly legal.

I have never been on this forum before and I must say that the immature bullsh*t talk that I have read this evening would make me not want to be involved in any organization.

This is about having fun and as we become more experienced, teaching the newbies. (crushing them first of course...LOL)

I do have to say in closing that TECH114 and his guys are always there at the shows to help out, and I thank them and everyone else who helps at the shows, it is hard to find someone that wants to be a judge, so right now its a tight ship...
I have a headache... Im out.
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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 14, 2008 11:51 pm

Mark, unfortunately this is a new year and he has gone up in a class so he may be legal this year.
Yes he does help out at shows. By doing that, It takes the heat off him, but again, that was last year when he was in a lower class.
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Novice Contributor
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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 15, 2008 12:01 am

Nice wrote:
TECH114 wrote:
usacine wrote:
Beast From Da East/DH Mag wrote:
TECH114 wrote:
Beast From Da East/DH Mag wrote:
I guess someone erased what I said. but I was the one to convince Will to do it. Usaci also needs the exposure here. I wait for ralph to say thanks

Vick not to take anything away from you but Proline wasn't going to do the USACI show. The guy from Proline that was at Englishtown was telling them at the shop over a $1,000 to do the show. Richie Rich made it happen this week. Call them and ask

Richie Rich just got into Proline Kumar. He might of made the call to finalize the deal and that's it. No one (workers)at Proline had anything to do with that decision. Will "the owner", the guys who pays everyone there asked me should he do it and I responded by telling him that since he got the block locked down to do it because it can drive in a different field of people to the business and Greg his right hand person agreed and told him that if he is going to do something big, do it big. I don't know about any prices in this whole thing but I told Will that if they charge you a 1,000 then he is a fool to pay it because in reality Proline don't need Usaci but Usaci need Proline to get their feet wet into NYC where I don't see any sanctioned being thrown. Usaci may be a big deal outside of NYC but here they are small potatos or not even on the map. Im not saying this to offend anyone in Usaci but let's keep it real and if Im wrong then can someone prove it and I'll apologize publicly

In reference to the Proline show on Aug 3rd:
1 - There is no official show for USAC yet.
2 - The price of $1000 was never discussed nor do we charge that much.
3 - Its not a matter of USAC needing Proline or Proline needing USAC. Its for people to get together and have some fun.
4 - It is posted on the local website because I told the gentlemen at Proline that I would post the show for him. (whether or not USAC does the soundoff).

Well said. Let us know if it is a USACI show?
The price of $1,000 exactly, I know usaci don't charge that much. That is what the gentleman from englishtown went back and told Proline. Richie Rich came by and said they were not going to do it with usaci that it was too much. I told them you don't charge that much and give him your number to call.

Anyway, let us know if it is usaci or not?

What do you mean let us know? You were the only idiot who blasted that it was a USACi show like you're some kind of official. Just like you to want to be bigger then you are.
Fall back and wait like everyone else cheater.

Information was posted wrong on the Local USAC website.I had that corrected today.

As far as cheating is concerned I spent over 45 min inspecting tech114's vehicle, it was video taped and there was a very experienced competitor with me who has no ties to tech114.
The vehicle was checked top to bottom, inside and out.
I do know now what he does when he competes and it is perfectly legal.

I have never been on this forum before and I must say that the immature bullsh*t talk that I have read this evening would make me not want to be involved in any organization.

This is about having fun and as we become more experienced, teaching the newbies. (crushing them first of course...LOL)

I do have to say in closing that TECH114 and his guys are always there at the shows to help out, and I thank them and everyone else who helps at the shows, it is hard to find someone that wants to be a judge, so right now its a tight ship...
I have a headache... Im out.[/qu

well said Mark
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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 15, 2008 12:15 am

Nice wrote:
Mark, unfortunately this is a new year and he has gone up in a class so he may be legal this year.
Yes he does help out at shows. By doing that, It takes the heat off him, but again, that was last year when he was in a lower class.

I was told by someone that he is cheating this year and I needed to look at it. so I did.

Even though I like you and him if I catch anyone cheating I will address it.

You and I both know someone who has cheated and maybe still is but I havent seen him this year. (I will discuss that with you in person)

Last year is in the past and without proof we cant do anything.

Calling each other names doesnt help any situation.

Why dont you become a member and take the judges test then we can all have fun.

Now lets all have a warm cup of milk and turn in for the night and tink happy thoughts.
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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 15, 2008 12:34 am

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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 15, 2008 9:30 am

Nice wrote:

Why are you agreeing with what Mark is saying when you were the one that say he is cheating... You can't beat him in his class that's why you think he is cheating Twisted Evil
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SPL Blazer
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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 22, 2008 7:40 pm

Anyone know what the entry fee is gonna be for the SPL portion of this show? I saw a flyer that said it was a $50 fee for cars and trucks, but it didn't say if this was just for the car show or for the SPL portion too. No matter what it's for thats an insane price to pay, I've never seen anyone charge more than $30 for a car show, unless it was a real show like HIN or NOPI.
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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 22, 2008 7:57 pm

SPL Blazer wrote:
Anyone know what the entry fee is gonna be for the SPL portion of this show? I saw a flyer that said it was a $50 fee for cars and trucks, but it didn't say if this was just for the car show or for the SPL portion too. No matter what it's for thats an insane price to pay, I've never seen anyone charge more than $30 for a car show, unless it was a real show like HIN or NOPI.

I agree with you on the price. That is high. I thought they were going to change it. Hope SPL is lower.
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SPL Blazer
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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2008 1:15 pm

I called and asked how much for the SPL and they said it's included in the $50 fee, screw this show. I'm staying home for this one.
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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2008 10:27 pm

SPL Blazer wrote:
I called and asked how much for the SPL and they said it's included in the $50 fee, screw this show. I'm staying home for this one.

$50 seems really high. Just my opinion. Thats like what I would expect from Nopi Nationals.
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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 25, 2008 12:17 am

I know this price seems high but first off that is what proline not USACi is charging and also when you figure in that you are going to a show like a raceway park without the races, you still have all the venders raffles etc. and DJ's Comedians and more. This show will be a fun time for everyone. Very Happy

Last edited by nesoundoff on Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:29 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 25, 2008 1:34 am

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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 25, 2008 8:26 am

nesoundoff wrote:
I know this price seems high but first off that is what proline not USACi is charging and also when you figure in that you are going to be getting a trophie twice to three times the size, this price is not at all too bad. This is like a raceway without the races, but there will be plenty of entertainment all day. So please do come

It sounds like it might be a good show, but a lot of us competitors have so many trophies already that paying $50 for a bigger one isn't really that important. For the newer competitors that only have one or two then it's great for them. But some of us long time competitors are happy with a certificate, at least it's easier to find a place for those.

Are there any pictures of the "huge" trophies?
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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 25, 2008 6:21 pm

[quote="SPL Blazer"]
nesoundoff wrote:
I know this price seems high but first off that is what proline not USACi is charging and also when you figure in that you are going to be getting a trophie twice to three times the size, this price is not at all too bad. This is like a raceway without the races, but there will be plenty of entertainment all day. So please do come

It sounds like it might be a good show, but a lot of us competitors have so many trophies already that paying $50 for a bigger one isn't really that important. For the newer competitors that only have one or two then it's great for them. But some of us long time competitors are happy with a certificate, at least it's easier to find a place for those
3x point event Laughing

Last edited by nesoundoff on Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:26 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: usaci in NY August 3   https - usaci forumotion com  - usaci in NY August 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 25, 2008 11:44 pm


Start spreading the news.....We're leaving's up to you ~~New York, New York!!!!!!!!! lol!
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