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Joint Finals a success. USACI numbers down due to very remote (from USACI) location but better than expected. Results posted on web site.
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So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Icon_minitimeWed Sep 23, 2020 7:37 pm by big bass joel

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So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2020 7:32 pm by big bass joel

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So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Icon_minitimeMon Jul 29, 2019 2:41 pm by svillarrial

So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Icon_minitimeFri Sep 22, 2017 11:11 pm by 80INCHES

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So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Icon_minitimeWed Feb 24, 2016 12:53 am by supersquirt

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So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Icon_minitimeSat Sep 26, 2015 5:46 am by TAMU

So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2015 4:24 pm by Nice

So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2015 12:14 pm by Pro_Mom

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So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_lcapSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Voting_barSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_rcap 
So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_lcapSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Voting_barSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_rcap 
So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_lcapSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Voting_barSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_rcap 
So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_lcapSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Voting_barSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_rcap 
So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_lcapSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Voting_barSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_rcap 
So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_lcapSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Voting_barSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_rcap 
So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_lcapSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Voting_barSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_rcap 
So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_lcapSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Voting_barSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_rcap 
So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_lcapSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Voting_barSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_rcap 
So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_lcapSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Voting_barSo, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Vote_rcap 
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 So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ

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Chris's Studio Civic
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PostSubject: So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ   So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Icon_minitimeFri Nov 29, 2013 7:40 pm

Can we see the new classes, what boundaries are, and any rule changes. Just curious...and if this has been posted somewhere apologies for not keeping up.....
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I own this joint!
I own this joint!

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PostSubject: Re: So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ   So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2013 6:32 pm

the people have lift here for the most part.try this on the usaci group on facebook
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PostSubject: Re: So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ   So, What is the final Changes to USACI SQ Icon_minitimeWed Dec 04, 2013 10:33 am

USACI SQ facebook group contains all related files at this point. The 2014 Rulebook, division/class breakdown, and both reg SQ and Intro SQ scoresheets. Ralph is supposed to upload them all to the main website this week. Anyone who would like a copy, please send me your email to and I will forward all materials to you...

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