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Joint Finals a success. USACI numbers down due to very remote (from USACI) location but better than expected. Results posted on web site.
June 2024
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cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Icon_minitimeWed Sep 23, 2020 7:37 pm by big bass joel

» any blown stetsom 7kd or 2k6d amps for sale
cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2020 7:32 pm by big bass joel

» We need the forums back
cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Icon_minitimeMon Jul 29, 2019 2:41 pm by svillarrial

cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Icon_minitimeFri Sep 22, 2017 11:11 pm by 80INCHES

» It's back up !
cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Icon_minitimeThu Jun 16, 2016 7:03 pm by chrisfish

» 2 Atomic apocalypse 12s D4
cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Icon_minitimeWed Feb 24, 2016 12:53 am by supersquirt

» well hello
cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Icon_minitimeSat Sep 26, 2015 5:46 am by TAMU

cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2015 4:24 pm by Nice

cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2015 12:14 pm by Pro_Mom

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cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Vote_lcapcactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Voting_barcactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Vote_rcap 
cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Vote_lcapcactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Voting_barcactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Vote_rcap 
cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Vote_lcapcactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Voting_barcactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Vote_rcap 
cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Vote_lcapcactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Voting_barcactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Vote_rcap 
cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Vote_lcapcactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Voting_barcactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Vote_rcap 
cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Vote_lcapcactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Voting_barcactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Vote_rcap 
cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Vote_lcapcactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Voting_barcactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Vote_rcap 
cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Vote_lcapcactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Voting_barcactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Vote_rcap 
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 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys

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5 posters
Novice Contributor
Novice Contributor

Number of posts : 82
Registration date : 2008-02-21

cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Empty
PostSubject: 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys   cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2008 9:33 pm

At Usaci world finals I was unsure exactly what to expect. It was a great event to say the least. I was very proud and gracious on how every Team Revolution member conducted himself and how they performed.

I had really made a decision early in the year that I would do whatever I could to stand behind the guys on Team Revolution and try to establish bonds and friendships with them to last a very long time. I wanted to show appreciation to them for what they do.

I understand times are tough out there and all of you went to shows, built your systems and traveled to finals. I don’t know what to say except THANK YOU! I hope over time to not only have strong product for you to run but to support you and be real with you.

Being a young company I am honored to have the guys I have running RD. I also wanted to say I met a lot of other guys at finals that were real cool guys and hope to get to know and hang out more with in the future.

2008 was great and I am sure 2009 will be even better!
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I own this joint!
I own this joint!

Number of posts : 6002
Age : 51
Location : College Station Texas
Registration date : 2007-06-23

cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys   cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2008 9:40 pm

Thanks bro.... YOU ARE 100% GOOD IN MY BOOK.

Lets keep your product the same..... BULLETPROOF IS THA KEY.

Thanks for all you do
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Thats a Lot of Posts!
Thats a Lot of Posts!

Number of posts : 3745
Age : 42
Location : tupelo mississippi
Registration date : 2008-02-28

cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys   cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2008 11:53 pm

thanks steve man even though i wasnt there but heard and read nothing but great things about what you an the crew did up there an there is nothing more a customer/competitor could ask for man. you did a damn good job and your doing a damn good one now starting out fresh. keep that business sense and don't chang fore anything man and you will continue to be blessed bro. i know i would like to say thanks for answering all my questions when i call you and thanks for a great product man.

2009 is going to be on baby
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I own this joint!
I own this joint!

Number of posts : 12087
Age : 52
Location : shelbyville
Registration date : 2007-06-23

cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys   cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2008 11:59 pm

Steve I told you before we left that you being there on the floor reconing shiit for us showed the awsome support for your team man, and this is what makes people say wow look at RD over there doing what they can to ensuren there on top it speaks volumes.

ill be in touch soon
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Number of posts : 7
Age : 40
Location : Columbus, GA
Registration date : 2008-01-10

cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys   cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Icon_minitimeTue Nov 18, 2008 12:21 am

It was fun and great meeting some of you guys. Hope to do it soon Smile

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cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys   cactus  https - usaci forumotion com - 2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys Icon_minitime

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2008 Usaci world final in my veiw and props to all the guys
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